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phase 3

Healthy Egg & Veggie Recipe

Veggie Egg Scrample


veggie and egg recipe   Get fancy and call itSpinach Quiche-lette…..Now it sounds so Magnifique!

This recipe can go anywhere from;


P2 500 cal. Protocol

P2 800 cal. Protocol (mixing veggies allowed)

Or A Person looking for a Health, Yummy Egg Recipe! 😉

Those of you on protocol will be able to look at the ingredients and based on what your regime choice is will know what you can have and what to omit.

How to Make

1 tsp EVCO (extra virgin coconut oil)

¼-½ cup sliced onion ( I use ¼ c minced green onion)

Approx ¼ cup chopped broccoli tops (optional)

¼ cup tomato chunks (optional)

1 VLCD approved meat serving – example, I use shrimp,(optional)

2 whole eggs

¼-½ cup spinach (or other greens)

1-2 TBSP cheddar cheese (optional)


On low heat, simmer EVCO and vegetables approx 2 minutes.

Stir to coat greens with eggs before adding to veggies & EVCO   

Add  eggs and greens mixture to veggies in skillet

Season with  sea salt, ground pepper, garlic powder or fresh minced garlic (chili powder optional)

Once whites are thoroughly cooked, add cheese topping, cover until topping melts.


This one had my Hubby looking at it with “wanting eyes”  – lol


I added my little tweaks to the recipe but big thanks to Delmen (YT) for base ingredients and inspiration to make it!


HCG – How to Begin Phase 3

How to Have a Successful Phase 3

journal KNOW what you are doing 🙂


Questions – I am so scared, I start Phase 3 tomorrow. I’ve done my 3 days without HCG. I’ve been reading and checking out different recipes for this phase.

How do I figure the amount of protein to eat? Someone said just double the amount that I’ve been eating. I want to make sure that I get the correct amount. I know I have to start slowly introducing foods. Is 1500 calories the minimum daily caloric intake or do I start by 1st week: 800, then go to 1000 on the 2nd week, then go to the full amount of calories 1400/1500? How much fruit do I eat per day?

My Answer:

The very first Phase 3 can be intimidating!

My first Phase 3 went very wrong because I got too caught up in wanting to try all the great recipes I saw people making on Phase 3.


On my very first day I added so many different foods that those on Phase 3 had been talking about. Open face tuna sandwich using Ezekiel bread with cheddar cheese, I baked a phase 3 friendly cookie recipe. It has been so long now since that time it is hard to remember what else I slammed my poor body with.


So what I found out the hard way about Phase 3 is this….Don’t slam your system with everything at once even if it says it is P3 friendly.


Doubling the protein is fine, especially if your body type craves protein.

Just go very SLOW with adding back in the starches and sugars. I can not emphasis this enough. Journal as you add so you can pinpoint if there is a food that you are sensitive to at first. Go easy on everything you reintroduce and keep tabs on what you are adding and what activity you are doing..

Think Low Glycemic:

When it comes to fruit (at first), I’d say 2 maybe 3 servings the first day and see how your body responded.
I admit I have never counted calories just what types of food I eat and my activity level. Then I figure out between the two what the outcome will be. As long as you go slow and stick with healthy choices you are on the right track.


And for now be cautious with anything bread or pasta like. Example – If it makes you feel full (bloated) or lethargic.

I say “for now” because I don’t want you to think the foods I say to use caution with is a “never”.

But I can’t stress enough how slow introduction will help lock in your effort so you can keep the new you and enjoy what you choose to eat in the future.


If you feel better with counting calories – go for it. The plan you laid out looks like a pretty good one as long as you keep tabs on what you take in and how your body reacts so you can adjust accordingly

Easy does it – That’s my motto!

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HCG Cooking Tips