Succeed on HCG with or without Doing This…But the Suggestions are GREAT!
HCG Phase One Wellness Do List
Getting Ready to start HCG
Do’s that are Listed I Have Done Some But Not All.
Some I didn’t know about till after my HCG rounds.
The first two I would like to transition into doing. I DO some organic but not all…yet.
Eat only Organic Meat and Dairy
Eat 100 % Organic food
The Way We Eat: Why Our Food Choices Matter
Eating Habits
The Next three we have all heard are Good to Do- Who reading this has got this down cold?… I have yet to –
Eat Breakfast
Eat 6 meals per day
Eat dinner before 6:00 p.m.
- Eat salad with lunch and dinner
- Eat 100 grams of protein before bed
I have heard that this is good I just haven’t done it as a habit
Drink Chamomile Tea
Drink Chamomile Tea when you’re feeling stressed or anxious. Stress wreaks havoc on your hormonal systems and promotes fat gain, especially belly fat. Stress reduction efforts help you regulate stress hormones and lose weight.
I think there are easier and simpler ways to accomplish the end result (no pun intended).
Check out my vlog reviewing the cleansing teas I use
Do Infrared Sauna Detox
I understand why sweating out toxins is a good thing.
- Get Massages before phase 2
In Phase 2 the massage oil can mess up your fat releases
Do Rebound Exercising – like a Mini Trampoline
Do Yoga
- I agree there are a lot of benefits to doing Yoga
namely staying flexible as we age is vital.
Stress-Proof Your Brain
I purchased some good habit forming Cd’s you are suppose to listen to while you sleep. They haven’t arrived yet. I will keep you posted on how they worked
Lift Weights
I agree having more toned muscle is good.
I don’t lift everyday but I do light Hand Weights
at least 3 times a week.
Have a Clean Shower Filter
A Filtered Showerhead is ideal
The Next Two-
By Way of Supplements
Heavy Mineral Cleanse
Liver Cleanse
Sorry I didn’t put these 2 in my “Have Done List” I have a Detox Foot Bath Machine
As I was working on this post it dawned on me the machine I have would be this type of cleanse as well.
I will do a post later explaining my experience with the machine, why I got it and a picture of what it looks like.
The Next 2 Are things that make me go Hum<
- Electromagnetic Chaos Eliminator – I will have to look into this one
- Reduce Air Conditioning – I didn’t quite grasp why staying cool would cause a slow down in weight loss. I know part of theThermogenesis theory is if your body is cold it will burn more calories trying to stay warm!
Take These Supplements :
Coral Calcium
Acetyl L-Carnitine
Alpha Calm
Natural Calm
– I use and like this magnesium powder… Can that count?
Take a Product to Eliminate or Reduce
Parasite Detox
Regulate Insulin – Blood Sugar
Boy if you followed this to a “T” your BODY would be in INCREDIBLE SHAPE inside and out and have a Wealth of Health!
But if you were not financially well off when you started, your credit card balance will have increased or your bank balance would have decreased.
Use discernment and incorporate what you want when you can.
**This Blog Post was originally created in 2012 but updated with current info in 2018
Watermelon Cleanse
Cleanse & Fruit Fast Using Watermelon
Sorry those on P2 you will need to bookmark this info for when you are not on a round but would like something simple, easy and yummy to cleanse and drop some lbs with.
This is GREAT during the hot summer months.
Watermelon is in season during the summer so it is at its optimum best and it is really refreshing throughout the day. You of course will stay hydrated and it helps flush out your system.
I’m going to date myself but do any of you remember the “Beverly Hills Diet”. One of the fruit days on that diet was watermelon. Another day was pineapple and though I LOVE pineapple the problem with trying to do that ALL day is it can start to cause mouth irritation. Especially if you are not eating a completely ripe pineapple – OUCH!
Watermelon is mild on your system and the premise in the “Beverly Hills Diet” was that it helped with flushing out salts that caused water retention. For example after eating Chinese or deli food the night before.
The book said to be the” Diet of the Eighties”. Just leafing through it to be sure the example was what I remembered it makes me think, ” I have gotten so many different little tid-bits through my years of dieting. Through what I have learned and experienced with how the different methods have worked for me (or maybe didn’t work) my willingness to be a lab rat gives me the chance to help all of you!
Now-a days the buzz words or phrases are “calorie confusion” or “cheat days” to help your body lose fat, not stall or drop some lbs that have crept back up the scale. It is certainly a constant process of learning at least for me.
How to Do a Watermelon Day
You can actually do this for more than one day if you would like to.
You can have as much watermelon as you would like as long as you don’t float away – LOL
And YES-You will be going to the bathroom a lot…All that water has to go somewhere.
If you don’t want to get up in the middle of the night you will want to decide when your last serving if melon should be.
If you do wake up needing to go..Get up and go. You don’t want your body absorbing the fluid back into your system.
Like I said in the beginning this is a great flush to do during the summer months. Pick a day when you are busy and it would be tough to set aside time for a meal. Just be sure you have the melon prepped so it is cut up and in a container so it is easy to pop the cubes pieces in your mouth.
To sum up my thoughts;
Back when I was doing weight watchers WAY before I knew HCG ever existed I would do a watermelon day the day before my weight watcher weekly weigh in and I always had a great weigh in…I know, I know “what a cheater” – LOL…But yeah it worked (wink). Since that time it has been years since I thought about doing this but when I was watching a guy on YouTube that is pretty popular and last year lost 100 lbs he now does vlogs answering viewer questions on how he is keeping the weight off. He talked about days when we eat only fruit to clean out his system. The day before I decided to do the watermelon day I did a fruit day. I ate a combo of pineapple, strawberries, a little watermelon, mango and papaya. I didn’t feel as cleaned out as I thought I would and I was a bit hungrier than I expected considering I wasn’t limiting how much fruit I ate. On that day one of the last things I ate was the watermelon and it was so satisfying it reminded me about my past experience with it.
Here is another interesting thing about what I did on that day.
I was doing my blog post about apple cider vinegar on that day so when I took the picture of the vinegar in the shot glass I thought, “oh what the heck I might as well just drink it”. Right after that (get ready for TMI) I started cleaning out really well. It was actually a great feeling because it felt and sorry looked like a lot of sludge that needed to GO was going -Oh and by the way the scale was down 2.4 lbs the next morning – YAY!
It is again one of those things where every “body” is different so you just have to try it for yourself and see how you like it.
Chiro Klenz-The Best “Clean Out” Tea
Detoxing Before HCG Protocol
I know many people prefer to do a detox regimen before starting their HCG P2 Protocol. And during protocol a lot of people need some assistance with getting “regular”. As most of us know there are a few different teas that are made for this very reason. I first of about Chiro Klenz from a fellow HCGer who bought the tea from her Chiropractor.
As long as you realize that this tea will truly CLEAN you out, this is a great tea to use.
I’s not cheap but it WORKS!
Since posting my original post about the teas I like to use I have since been able to find Chiro Klenz reasonably priced On Amazon.
Below is the link to my original post and vlog about the teas I like to use;
The Fruit Flush 3-Day Detox
Please Note – Do Not Do this Flush while on HCG
The Jay Robb Fruit Flush
The Fruit Flush 3-Day Detox is the brainchild of clinical nutritionist and fitness expert Jay Robb, and is a great alternative to other detoxification diets out there that allow mainly fluids to be taken throughout the duration of the process. Unlike juice fasting, this detox diet relies on the consumption of fruits in achieving its guaranteed health benefits, including weight loss. And since the Fruit Flush lasts for only 3 shorts days, many people who have tried their hands on detoxifying themselves found it relatively easy to stick to the diet from beginning to end.
Line of Attack
Jay Robb believes that elimination of toxins in the body can be done with the mere consumption of a proper combination of foods. The Fruit Flush 3-Day Detox Diet utilizes the substances or contents of fruits and other natural food items in cleansing the body’s different systems. In addition, this detox diet enables one to efficiently lose excess weight of up to 9 pounds, according to its creator.
The nutritive content of fruits has many positive effects on the body, not just suitable for detoxification but for providing for a general wellbeing as well. Fruits are a good source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. They also provide quality carbohydrates – those of the low glycemic index type.
You see, not all carbohydrates are the same when it comes to their effect on the blood glucose level. The glycemic index, or GI, ranks carbohydrates based on how fast they trigger rise in the amount of sugar in the blood stream. Food sources with high glycemic index will trigger a dramatic spike, while a low glycemic index will only cause a small rise. For people who are trying to shed off excess pounds or maintain ideal weight, sticking to foods with low glycemic index is the way to go. By consuming carbohydrates with low glycemic index, one’s blood glucose level becomes stable, therefore maintaining increased energy levels and preventing hunger pangs.
The 3-Day Plan
Since this detox diet is designed by a clinical nutritionist, he understands that not only is it important for people to eat well-balanced meals all the time, but also need to get rid of accumulated toxins in the body from time to time. That is why the Fruit Flush 3-Day Detox is so designed: to effectively sweep toxins out of the body in as little time as possible, enabling the return to consuming well-balanced meals just as quickly. Basically the 3 days is composed of 1 pre-flush day and followed by 2 fruit-flush days.
• Pre-Flush Day – The pre-flush day consists of drinking protein shakes and ending it with a serving of vegetable salad with chicken, turkey or fish. From 8 am to 4 pm, anyone undergoing the Fruit Flush 3-Day Detox should consume a 6-ounce glass of protein shake every 2 hours. Protein shakes are easily available at health and fitness shops, and even on the internet. Also, it’s recommendable to purchase whey protein, as it is best absorbed by the body.
Where you can buy the Jay Robb Whey Protein
• Fruit-Flush Days – The fruit-flush days are on the second and last day of the Fruit Flush 3-Day Detox. From 8 am to 4 pm, one should consume a serving of fresh fruit every 2 hours. Then the day will be ended by having up to 6 cups of vegetable salad and a 6-ounce protein shake. However, on the fruit-flush days, note that no lean chicken, turkey or fish is served with the vegetable salad.
Remember to take lots of water throughout the Fruit Flush 3-Day Detox in order to hasten the elimination of toxins in the body. It is also important to drink 8-12 ounces glass of water one hour after every intake of protein shake, vegetable salad and fresh fruit servings. The following is a sample diet plan:
Pre-flush (day 1):
8:00 am – protein shake10:00 am – protein shake12:00 pm – protein shake2:00 pm – protein shake4:00 pm – protein shake6:00 pm – up to 6 cups of vegetable salad with 3-6 ounces of lean chicken, turkey or fish
Fruit-flush (day 2):
8:00 am – 1 medium-sized banana10:00 am – 2 cups strawberries12:00 pm – 1 large apple2:00 pm – 1 large mango4:00 pm – 2 small oranges6:00 pm – up to 6 cups of vegetable salad with protein shake
Fruit-flush (day 3):
8:00 am – 2 cups grapes10:00 am – 2 medium-sized kiwis12:00 pm – 1 large pear2:00 pm – 1 medium-sized banana4:00 pm – 1 large apple6:00 pm – up to 6 cups of vegetable salad with protein shake
The Good and Bad
If you think about it, the Fruit Flush 3-Day Detox is a healthier alternative to other fad diets out there also claiming to get rid of poisonous substances in the body and weight loss. Well, the truth is, this diet is obviously much healthier because you are allowed to consume fresh servings of fruits and vegetables, plus it only lasts for 3 short days. When a detox diet needs to be carried out in just a matter of few days, one will find it easier and more motivating to complete it, and enjoy the benefits as well.
However, as with any other forms of diet – for detoxification, weight loss or a combination of both – there are certain side effects involved. For the Fruit Flush 3-Day Detox, one may experience hunger and fatigue because, despite of the frequent servings of fresh fruits and protein shake, their caloric contents are still relatively few to enable anyone on the detox diet to perform regular activities as efficiently as before getting on the diet. For the same reason, one must abstain from pairing the Fruit Flush 3-Day Detox with cardio and weight training workouts. Also, the advice of a doctor or any other health professional must be sought before trying the Fruit Flush 3-Day Detox, to ensure safety.
The dressing I make for the salad –
2 Tb yellow mustard,MCT oil,ACV, and a dash of sea salt,pepper,onion powder – mixed well then shook up in a closed container with the veggie salad ( I think it is Yummy!)
My thoughts on Fruit selection –
I think one thing about the fruit it what type of fruit to have. Since we have done hcg I made the decision to only eat fruit that was allowed when on P2. Apples and strawberries. I was too concerned that bananas etc would be to high in sugar for my system. I also base it on the glycemic index. When I first read pounds and inches knowing that it was written in the 60’s I thought it was interesting that Dr Simeon chose low glycemic fruits. Good call on his part 😉 I do feel really full from all the salad bulk that is taken in. So the 1st time I did it I was worried that I would gain so I was totally surprised that I actually lost real well with it.
Thanks to Cherry V for originally sharing this flush with me.
Detox Bath Explained
Detox Bath HCG
The measurements for the detox bath explained. Ans why it helps with HCG, Better releases. pounds lost ,and warms you up.
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