Benefits of MCT OIL
MCT (medium-chain triglycerides) = MCT OIL
MCT (medium-chain triglycerides) is something I used religiously while on my HCG plan. It is a good fat and helps with digestion aka regularity. When you are on a food plan that might cause constipation the MCT can help keep things going. When I was using it at that time I also added apple cider vinegar and drank it like a shot. So I am back to doing that now. I know it is used in the bulletproof coffee but I’m not much of a coffee drinker. When I would get hunger pains it definitely calmed those down too. Like many things that are good for us we sometimes stray from them. I recently was reading an article and it helped me remember the benefits of MCT and realized I needed to get back to using it regularly. I was happy to find a brand with convenient travel packs. Trying to transport a bottle of MCT oil would be a hassle and if it broke or spilled just think of the mess. Since getting MCT back into my routine I think having the added GOOD fat in my system has helped in more ways than I expected. Put it this way not just putting lotion and oil on your skin but allowing the MCT to lubricate from within is a great idea.
Along with the benefits I am experiencing I am excited about the benefits I have read it has that are probably going on inside my body and I don’t even realize it…Like heart health, the antioxidant benefits and I like the idea that it can help my metabolism. Remember I read an article recently so all this is fresh in my brain and I figure I should share with those who may not know.
Medium-chain fatty acids possible benefits:
• Maintain a healthy weight — since they both make you feel full
• Specifically reduce stored body fat and they can also raise your metabolic function
• Have more energy
• Think more clearly
• Experience better digestion/regularity
• Help balance hormone levels
• Improve your mood
• Fight bacterial infection and viruses
• Absorb fat-soluble nutrients from various foods
Where to Buy MCT Click Below:
My vlog on the benefits of ACV AND MCT
HCG – Getting Started Questions
Top HCG Questions
A youtube viewer wrote and asked some great questions.
I thought it would be good to post the assortment of questions and my answers because this is just about the top most asked questions when someone is getting ready to start HCG.
She wrote;
“I’m getting ready to begin my HCG journey. I’m so excited, yet at the same time I’m scared! Between your Loseit4ever channel, Mamaclok, and HCG forums, I’m getting a lot of information, and becoming more assured that I’m doing the right thing for my health.”
Great Q&A!
Q-Can I continue to take my blood pressure and water pill meds while on HCG?
MY ANSWER – If these are prescriptions your doctor has you on you should not go off of them unless the doctor tells you it is ok.
When on protocol you should be drinking a lot of water which will also help you with your releases (2 quart minimum). Once your body “gets” that you will be drinking more water your body won’t try to be a “camel” and retain the water.
Q- I also take Melatonin to help with sleep.
MY Answer — I think Melatonin is good and fine while on HCG.
Q – And would you recommend a supplement for energy?
MY Answer — Many HCGers take B12. I take a lot of different supplements (Not diet pills) that also give my energy. Yerba Mate Tea is also good. But what I want to be sure is understood is that when on proper HCG the abnormal fat stores are being burned. Too many people only look at the 500 cal consumption and worry they will be weak but you won’t be. I wasn’t weak, lightheaded, none of that during my rounds.
Q-What do you recommend is best to eat during load days? I see Mamaclok from youtube ate donuts, but are there recommended “gorge” foods?
My Answer — Since that vlog I think Karen would agree better “gorge” choices are good fats. One successful HCGer loves to eat a big bowl of guacamole. I make sure I eat foods that I think I will “miss” once I’m on protocol. Mexican food and even though it has sugar, ice cream which is also high fat so the fat will slow the absorption rate of the sugar into your system. Other HCGers like to eat fatty meats as well. I just learned that finishing out your last load day 3 hours prior to bedtime with ½ a brick of cream cheese and 15-30 macadamia nuts helps your system to kick into ketosis better.
Q-Is loose skin expected with hcg weight loss?
My Answer — The great thing about HCG is we release the fat quickly. But then your skin needs to play “catch up”. If I had it to do over again I would have taken the MSM in mega doses as soon as I started HCG.
Q- I see where you were talking about the Apple Cider Vinegar/ MSM
cocktail shot – at what phase is this advisable?
My Answer — I came up with the Apple Cider Vinegar/ MSM
shot for P2ers.Even though I have done the Apple Cider Vinegar
during P2. Since MCT
is an oil I prefer a new P2er doesn’t do that one until there a reason for going that direction. Or once they know their body is settled into the HCG dose and adding the MCT
oil won’t throw off your releases.
don’t know why but it seems to me it is good to do your very first round as virgin on protocol as you possibly can. After the first round if you feel you want to try more “tricks” to see which ones work for you go ahead but journal so you know what works and what you should avoid.
Q-I currently take Perfect Food Super Green Powder
mixed in water, because I don’t eat enough veggies. I’ve never checked the caloric content, though I guess it should be low, and fat free. Would you recommend continuing with it?
My Answer — You would have to let me know the ingredients. If carbs or sugars aren’t added it should be ok. But again even if it doesn’t have those ingredients I wouldn’t add it at first . Just do protocol and then add and journal the result. If you see that by adding it you either stay steady with your releases or even better releases that you know you are good to go!
Q-Where did you purchase your hcg? (I plan on doing mine sublingually)
My Answer — I did injections but sub lingual also uses RX HCG so you can still purchase from where I did if you want.
I prefer ReliablerxPharmacy(reasonable prices) is my favorite.
All Day Chemist (tried them because other hcgers mentioned them a lot)
and they are fine too. The way to pay with reliable was easier for me though.
Good Habits Before, During and After HCG
HCG Phase One “Do List”
My Experience 😉
After going over the entire list I realized just how overwhelming it all is.
So I would rather comment on what I did and why.
Not that some of the other Do’s aren’t good too. I simply want to help keep it manageable and within reason. Plus I can share my experience firsthand.
I also want to be clear that I did not make a point to do or consume what is on this “Do List” the 30 days prior to starting my HCG journey. Most of them I found out about their benefits throughout my journey.
Phase One Do List that I have experience with;
Do’s – That I Do and Have Done:
Drink Water
Stay Hydrated and when you are burning fat you need water to help flush it out – Benefits of Water
My choice is Alkaline Water:
Add Fiber
Keep your intestine swept out!
Good Circulation equals all kinds of health benefits.
Get Sleep
Lack of sleep causes stress on the body. Stress is not a good thing for weight loss and a lot of other things.
Have trouble falling asleep??
Get Sun
Good Day Sunshine! Keep your vitamin D level UP…Can’t get outside or live in a very rainy,cloudy place?
Take a vitamin D supplement!
Breathe Properly
Most of us are shallow breathers –Oxygen is KEY!
Is is easy to get into a habit of shallow breathing. That is why we many times lack energy and get that late afternoon lethargic feeling.When you start to feel that way while let’s say when you are at work sitting at your desk.
Try this ; To bring large quantities of oxygen into your body – Breath in taking in as much air as you can and allow it to fill your diaphragm.Hold that breathe for a moment, tighten your abdominal muscles, and exhale through your mouth as if blowing up a balloon.
I know when I do this I feel refreshed!
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
For cooking (I use MCT Oil too) See my other post for the tons of MCT Benefits
Colon Cleanse
Here is an easy affordable Cleanse – Cleansing
Or Go the Pre-packaged choice
Eat Grapefruit/Apples
Low Glycemic, good fiber .Apples are a natural diuretic.
Both cleanse the liver, gallbladder and colon glycemic-index benefits
Use Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
Drink Green Tea/Wu long tea
Helps regulate hunger, stimulates cleansing of the cells, helps metabolism
Drink Organic Yerba Mate Tea
Yerba Mate Tea-One cup a day. Increase energy, reduce appetite and stimulates releasing of fat cells.
Eat Hot Peppers
I put cayenne pepper in my Cali kicker and I like to eat pepperoncini peppers- Increase Metabolism and reduce appetite. Helps release fat ,stress and reset body set point
Use Natural Sweeteners
Use Cinnamon
Helps regulate insulin and blood sugar, normalizes appetite and helps the body release fat.
I love baking an apple with cinnamon and stevia – YUM!
Just want Cinnamon is a capsule click image below. =)
Limit Carbonated Drinks
You have to watch out for sodium and let’s face it very hard to find one with Stevia but there is Zevia All Natural Soda and it really taste great!
Take Digestive Enzymes
Gotta love a well working system!
For those of you that are still curious about the other Do’s and what are the Don’ts I will be sure and post that next.
After that I want to share a couple of good questions I was asked after doing my recent vlog on You tube
HCG Question – New to HCG and Have Questions Before I Start
HCG Question – New to HCG and have Questions Before I Start
I’m getting ready to begin my HCG journey the first of May. I’m so excited, yet at the same time I’m scared! Between your channel (loseit4ever), Mamaclok on You Tube, I’m getting a lot of information, and becoming more assured that I’m doing the right thing for my health.
I do have a few questions. I haven’t had a chance to go through very many of your vlogs, but can you tell me:
Question – Can I continue to take my blood pressure and water pill meds while on HCG?
Answer – When I started I was on thyroid medicine and was told I should stay on it. Always best to ask your doctor and Google if there are any interactions with combining.
Question – I also take melatonin to help with sleep.
MY Answer – I think Melatonin is good and fine while on HCG.
Question – And would you recommend a supplement for energy?
MY Answer – Many HCGers take B12. I take a lot of different supplements that also give me energy. But what I want to be sure is understood is that when on proper HCG the abnormal fat stores are being burned. Too many people only look at the 500 cal consumption and worry they will be weak and you won’t be. I wasn’t weak, lightheaded, none of that during my rounds.
Question – What do you recommend is best to eat during load days? I see Mamaclok ate donuts, but are there recommended “gorge” foods?
My Answer – Since that vlog I think Karen would agree better “gorge” choices are good fats. One successful HCGer loves to eat a big bowl of guacamole. I make sure I eat foods that I think I will “miss” once I’m on protocol. Mexican food and even though it has sugar, ice cream which is also high fat so the fat will slow the absorption rate of the sugar into my system.Other HCGers like to eat fatty meats as well.
Question – Is loose skin expected with hcg weight loss?
My Answer – The great thing about HCG is we release the fat quickly. The thing is then your skin needs to play “catch up”. If I had it to do over again I would have taken the MSM in mega doses as soon as I started HCG.
Question – I see where you were talking about the ACV/MSM cocktail shot – at what phase is this advisable?
My Answer – I came up with the ACV/MSM shot for P2ers.Even though I have done the ACV/ MCT during P2. Since MCT is a oil I prefer a new P2er doesn’t do that one until there a reason for going that direction.
Question –I currently take Perfect Food green powder mixed in water, because I don’t eat enough veggies. I’ve never checked the caloric content, though I guess it should be low, and fat free. Would you recommend continuing with it?
My Answer – You would have to let me know the ingredients. How many carbs or possible sugar does it have?
Question – Where did you purchase your hcg? (I plan on doing mine sublingually)
My Answer – I did injections but sublingual also uses RX HCG so you can still purchase from where I did if you want. I have ordered from 3 different places.
Reliable Pharmacy (reasonable prices and reliable;)
Pharmacy Escrow (1st place I ever ordered from)
All Day Chemist (tried them because other hcgers mentioned them a lot)
My Favorite to order from
….um, did I say a few questions! Anyway, thank you so much for sharing your experience, encouragement, and advice. I look forward to – as my time allows- viewing more of your uploads.
MY Answer – LOL – no worries , I LOVE to HELP! 😉
HCG- Question – APPLE CIDER VINEGAR, MSM, MCT – When to do what?
Understanding the ACV, MCT, MSM Usage
QUESTION – Do you do the acv/mct shots and the acv/msm shots? If so how often and how much of each?
My ANSWER – If I use MCI when not o P2 I’m getting that and ACV when I make my salad dressings etc.I also swig the msm liquid when I am applying my “skin recipe” on my face.So I’m getting the same ingredients without them being in a drink shot.
HCG Questions and Answers
HCG Diet Questions and Answers…ACV,MCT,MSM and More
I keep meaning to create a FAQ page on this website. Here is a confession…. I am a terrible typist so by the time I answer everyone’s individual questions the day is done and it is time for bed – LOL.
So for now I am going to feature a question I am asked each day.
I also recorded a couple vlogs which was inspired by these questions. I have added the vlogs below for your convenience.
And Now today’s AWESOME question or should I say Questions –
Question – First of all what I wanted to know if you lost any more weight in your experiment round? –
ANSWER – My first week I did great then I became a “slacker” as far as protocol. As each week went by I realized I was experiencing what Dr Simeon was talking about as far as the abnormal fat. HCG had done its duty and I didn’t have the abnormal fat that the hcg could work on and I began to get just plain “starving like” hungry just like he said would happen. My initial loss was good and became my new “set point” which was great. My inch loss went well and I lost sizes which was awesome. In hind site I should have never planned on a 40 day round – silly me. No regrets though, It was a good learning experience and a way to help others when they get to that point.
Question – When it comes to the MCT and ACV shot, what time of day do you take it? –
ANSWER – I think it is best before you have dinner
Question – Do you do it on phase 3 also?
Phase 4?
For life?
ANSWER – So far I an still doing the ACV everyday in the AM and if I want to reduce my appetite before dinner I take a MCT shot. But when I update mt posts it gets me to thinking about what I have done in the past and think I should go back to doing what I was doing in the past because of the great benefits.
Question – How did the MSM powder work?
ANSWER – I mix it in water but found that using the liquid msm was far less bitter.
I think taking msm in a liquid form makes the difference because your body can absorb it more efficiently.
Question – What phase do you take yours on? Phase 1-4 for a lifetime? And what time of the day. –
ANSWER – I wish I had used msm as soon as I started HCG. because it helps with our skin, joints, muscles etc I feel it can be a life long supplement.
Question – To answer the time of day should I take MSM?
ANSWER – I don’t think it matters, but currently I take mine in the morning mixing it with collagen.
Question – any other advice on products that work on tightening your skin? and the round you used them on please.
ANSWER – Colostrum and Antler Velvet has been great along with the Skin recipe I’ve been doing on my face. I think adding those 2 supplements have been helping tone my skin overall as well.
Question – Did you ever get massages done while on p2? i know your not suppose to, but someone on a blog said they did and it helped their releases? Just wondering if you did.
ANSWER – Didn’t have any back or body massages but if pedicures count then yes 😉 When the mancurist massages my legs she adds oil along with the lotion.
Question – What time of the day do you take the California kickers?
ANSWER – I would either divide the serving up and do half mid morning then mid afternoon or the whole thing mid afternoon.
I hope posting this helps many others with the same questions 🙂
**This Blog was orininally posted in 2011 but Updated in 2018
How to Test your HCG
I am “injection girl” so when I want to be sure my HCG is potent I simply go to the Dollar Store and buy a pregnancy test for a dollar. Then I put some of my HCG on the test to be sure it still shows up “positive”. For those of you that do sublingual here is a youtube vlog that helps you test your HCG when you mix with colloidal silver and B12.
ACV and MSM Drink Shot – Skin Tightening Benefits and More!
I first explained the MCT Oil and ACV drink shot, but then I really wanted to find an alternative for P2ers. Please watch the video for details =)
Where I buy my MSM Liquid
Herbal Remedies
There is also a serum for the face that I get from there that I LOVE!
Super Skin Serum, Antioxidant Skin Care System with Lipoic Acid, 1 fl oz
The Fruit Flush 3-Day Detox
Please Note – Do Not Do this Flush while on HCG
The Jay Robb Fruit Flush
The Fruit Flush 3-Day Detox is the brainchild of clinical nutritionist and fitness expert Jay Robb, and is a great alternative to other detoxification diets out there that allow mainly fluids to be taken throughout the duration of the process. Unlike juice fasting, this detox diet relies on the consumption of fruits in achieving its guaranteed health benefits, including weight loss. And since the Fruit Flush lasts for only 3 shorts days, many people who have tried their hands on detoxifying themselves found it relatively easy to stick to the diet from beginning to end.
Line of Attack
Jay Robb believes that elimination of toxins in the body can be done with the mere consumption of a proper combination of foods. The Fruit Flush 3-Day Detox Diet utilizes the substances or contents of fruits and other natural food items in cleansing the body’s different systems. In addition, this detox diet enables one to efficiently lose excess weight of up to 9 pounds, according to its creator.
The nutritive content of fruits has many positive effects on the body, not just suitable for detoxification but for providing for a general wellbeing as well. Fruits are a good source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. They also provide quality carbohydrates – those of the low glycemic index type.
You see, not all carbohydrates are the same when it comes to their effect on the blood glucose level. The glycemic index, or GI, ranks carbohydrates based on how fast they trigger rise in the amount of sugar in the blood stream. Food sources with high glycemic index will trigger a dramatic spike, while a low glycemic index will only cause a small rise. For people who are trying to shed off excess pounds or maintain ideal weight, sticking to foods with low glycemic index is the way to go. By consuming carbohydrates with low glycemic index, one’s blood glucose level becomes stable, therefore maintaining increased energy levels and preventing hunger pangs.
The 3-Day Plan
Since this detox diet is designed by a clinical nutritionist, he understands that not only is it important for people to eat well-balanced meals all the time, but also need to get rid of accumulated toxins in the body from time to time. That is why the Fruit Flush 3-Day Detox is so designed: to effectively sweep toxins out of the body in as little time as possible, enabling the return to consuming well-balanced meals just as quickly. Basically the 3 days is composed of 1 pre-flush day and followed by 2 fruit-flush days.
• Pre-Flush Day – The pre-flush day consists of drinking protein shakes and ending it with a serving of vegetable salad with chicken, turkey or fish. From 8 am to 4 pm, anyone undergoing the Fruit Flush 3-Day Detox should consume a 6-ounce glass of protein shake every 2 hours. Protein shakes are easily available at health and fitness shops, and even on the internet. Also, it’s recommendable to purchase whey protein, as it is best absorbed by the body.
Where you can buy the Jay Robb Whey Protein
• Fruit-Flush Days – The fruit-flush days are on the second and last day of the Fruit Flush 3-Day Detox. From 8 am to 4 pm, one should consume a serving of fresh fruit every 2 hours. Then the day will be ended by having up to 6 cups of vegetable salad and a 6-ounce protein shake. However, on the fruit-flush days, note that no lean chicken, turkey or fish is served with the vegetable salad.
Remember to take lots of water throughout the Fruit Flush 3-Day Detox in order to hasten the elimination of toxins in the body. It is also important to drink 8-12 ounces glass of water one hour after every intake of protein shake, vegetable salad and fresh fruit servings. The following is a sample diet plan:
Pre-flush (day 1):
8:00 am – protein shake10:00 am – protein shake12:00 pm – protein shake2:00 pm – protein shake4:00 pm – protein shake6:00 pm – up to 6 cups of vegetable salad with 3-6 ounces of lean chicken, turkey or fish
Fruit-flush (day 2):
8:00 am – 1 medium-sized banana10:00 am – 2 cups strawberries12:00 pm – 1 large apple2:00 pm – 1 large mango4:00 pm – 2 small oranges6:00 pm – up to 6 cups of vegetable salad with protein shake
Fruit-flush (day 3):
8:00 am – 2 cups grapes10:00 am – 2 medium-sized kiwis12:00 pm – 1 large pear2:00 pm – 1 medium-sized banana4:00 pm – 1 large apple6:00 pm – up to 6 cups of vegetable salad with protein shake
The Good and Bad
If you think about it, the Fruit Flush 3-Day Detox is a healthier alternative to other fad diets out there also claiming to get rid of poisonous substances in the body and weight loss. Well, the truth is, this diet is obviously much healthier because you are allowed to consume fresh servings of fruits and vegetables, plus it only lasts for 3 short days. When a detox diet needs to be carried out in just a matter of few days, one will find it easier and more motivating to complete it, and enjoy the benefits as well.
However, as with any other forms of diet – for detoxification, weight loss or a combination of both – there are certain side effects involved. For the Fruit Flush 3-Day Detox, one may experience hunger and fatigue because, despite of the frequent servings of fresh fruits and protein shake, their caloric contents are still relatively few to enable anyone on the detox diet to perform regular activities as efficiently as before getting on the diet. For the same reason, one must abstain from pairing the Fruit Flush 3-Day Detox with cardio and weight training workouts. Also, the advice of a doctor or any other health professional must be sought before trying the Fruit Flush 3-Day Detox, to ensure safety.
The dressing I make for the salad –
2 Tb yellow mustard,MCT oil,ACV, and a dash of sea salt,pepper,onion powder – mixed well then shook up in a closed container with the veggie salad ( I think it is Yummy!)
My thoughts on Fruit selection –
I think one thing about the fruit it what type of fruit to have. Since we have done hcg I made the decision to only eat fruit that was allowed when on P2. Apples and strawberries. I was too concerned that bananas etc would be to high in sugar for my system. I also base it on the glycemic index. When I first read pounds and inches knowing that it was written in the 60’s I thought it was interesting that Dr Simeon chose low glycemic fruits. Good call on his part 😉 I do feel really full from all the salad bulk that is taken in. So the 1st time I did it I was worried that I would gain so I was totally surprised that I actually lost real well with it.
Thanks to Cherry V for originally sharing this flush with me.
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