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Pro’s and Con’s with HCG


Weigh out the Pro's and Con's

Weighing out the Pro’s and Con’s

I remember my first diets began as early as elementary school. I also recall doing the whole mind game of telling myself “Monday I’m going to start my diet” Sometimes when Monday came I was ready other times I did more mental bartering.

Fast forward to my HCG experience, When I began my journey all I knew was the 2 choices was either sub-lingual or injection but both were using RX HCG. Now there are so many products claiming to be hcg in drops or pellet form..HUM…..

I will not take on that issue in this post. What I want to focus on is how to be ready for your journey both mentally and physically so you will succeed.


My favorite “GO TO” for ordering HCG OnlineReliableRXpharmacy

Mentally you need to be raring to go. Have that “I can’t wait to start” feeling. I had watched so many you tube vlogs and read so many forums and posts along with of course “pounds & Inches” while I was waiting for my HCG to arrive I was completely ready to jump in feet first.

But with protocol timing is very important. I get asked over and over when someone is starting HCG for the first time if it is ok to go ahead and start their round if TOM had started or was about to. My answer is wait. Better to have the extra patience and be able to start your round when you know you will have a minimum of 10 days into the round before TOM could be part of the equation.

What is your social calendar looking like? Only YOU know what you can resist and though HCG puts hunger on the back burner sometimes food isn’t about hunger but emotional triggers or socializing. Personally I don’t like to try to visit with people and eat at the same time. That might sound odd to some people but for me it seems like it never fails, I put a bite of food in my mouth and someone will walk up and ask me a question.

Now so far as you are reading this and you KNOW that you are good to go on all counts that I have brought up so far GREAT.

Now be sure you have your tools in place.

What I mean by that is have a good bathroom scale. A scale that will give you more info than just a pound number. Fat percent etc REALLY helps while you are releasing on HCG and take measurements everywhere on your body that you can. You will be amazed where you lose and if you don’t get all your stats from the beginning you will regret it later. I recommend the myotape. Remember there is a good reason why the doctor called it “pounds & Inches

My next advice is do as I say, not what I did.

Take HCG before pictures. The only reason I have a before shot is because my brother snapped off a pic of me when we were on vacation. But what wouldn’t give now to have full on front, back, and side shots that would have been taken the day before my 1st P2 round.

JOURNAL – Do this like you never have before! I was looking at my journal today to see where I was at around this time last year. The pattern I noticed was when I would weigh and write down what I thought I was doing right or what I was doing wrong. If I had a gain you could see how it was brought right back where it should be as along as I stayed current with what I was doing. If I saw an entry and then saw I didn’t write anything for a few days when I was willing to fess-up and get on the scale there was much more of a “price to pay” if you know what I mean.

My birthday is next month and my goal is to be the same weight I was on this date last year on my birthday. Why don’t I pick the weight I was on my Birthday last year? I didn’t write in an entry in my journal. So today I completely regret that I don’t have that stat!!!

I began this post stating,”HCG Gave Me My BEST RESULTS!”

This statement is so very true. I never looked or felt gaunt or sickly. Dr Simeons explained how it targets the abnormal fat and it DID. On other diets in the past I hit the same weight numbers I did on HCG but definitely was not the size and shape HCG got me to. Before my journey other ladies would say if I had back fat it was just an age thing that couldn’t be avoided…wrong.

My butt and hips got smaller than they were before I had kids. This knocks down another theory that after you have kids those areas change and you can’t get those areas down like you could before pregnancies.

And Before my HCG journey I was losing a lot of hair to the point that the girl who does my hair was gravely concerned. When I began HCG the fall out subsided and then a bit after that while still on my rounds I found a hair vitamin I like a lot and still take to this day, I also like it because it also has MSM.

It looks to me like there are a LOT of Pro’s.

Here is what I think are the Con’s –

  • Don’t get suckered into a product that is not HCG!
  • Understand that it is restrictive as far as what and how much you can eat.
  • You need to access if this will work in your life based on why you eat.
  • Desire & Timing is everything! It is important to check your calendar, schedule, and body clock (time of month arrival eta).
  • You want to set yourself up for success and as long as you check off the right boxes and do it right you will see results beyond what you could have imagined!:)


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