HCG – Mini Steak Day Explained
Question –
I listened to your vlog and then went to your website and you said “Steak was eaten if I decided to do a mini steak day. I use to like doing that one day a week during my rounds.”
Can you tell me exactly what you ate on your mini steak days and did this help with not stalling?
Would love to know!
Answer –
Back in the day there was a wonderful HCGer from the UK that would vlog and had wonderful results. She talked about a “propa” mini steak day. I started doing it too and liked doing it one day a week while on P2. All it is , is this – 4 OZ of lean steak and one apple. It is up to you if you want to divide it up or divide it though the day. I would get the best fillet Mignon in the butcher case and the tastiest apple and save it all for my dinner portion. Of course drink lots of water and tea through out the day till then.
And YES – Every week ( I chose to do mini steak days on Saturday) I saw a NICE release to “cap off” the week
The Fat Fast Explained – And How it Can Work with HCG
Atkins Article : The Fat Fast
Counterintuitive as it may sound, if you can’t budge the scale , a few days on this regimen may well allow you to break through metabolic resistance.
Certain individuals are so metabolically resistant that only more intense dietary restrictions prove successful. Once medications, thyroid problems and candida are brought under control, almost all overweight people who diligently adhere to the Atkins Nutritional Approach™ will lose and keep off weight. But for the small group of people for whom it does not work, more extreme measures are necessary.
To help these metabolically resistant people, Dr. Atkins has modified what he calls “the most effective weight-loss eating pattern ever described.” British researchers Alan Kekwick and Gaston Pawan developed it, and Frederick Benoit and his team confirmed its superiority in burning off fat, compared to an absolute total fast. This extreme diet consists of 1,000 calories daily, comprised of 90 percent fat. No other weight-loss regimen has matched its ability to burn off stored fat. Dr. Atkins modified the Kekwick diet to make it as enjoyable as possible and dubbed it the “Fat Fast.” He tried it on scores of patients and found it often worked for those who were unable to lose weight in any other safe, drug-free way.
The Kekwick diet forces the body into lipolysis so it burns its stores of fat. Lipolysis cannot take place if there is a significant source of glucose. Since all carbohydrates and some protein convert to energy by way of glucose, eliminating almost everything but fat from the diet forces even the most resistant body into lipolysis. That explains the 90 percent dietary-fat component. Lowering the caloric intake accelerates the need to burn up body fat—thus the 1,000-calorie limit.
The Fat Fast is one controlled carb program where you do have to count calories. You’ll eat 1,000 calories a day, with 75 percent to 90 percent comprised of fat. Frequent feedings prevent hunger better than three meals a day, so you consume five feedings, perhaps one every four hours, comprising 200 calories each. Because of the high fat content and frequent feedings, very few people experience much hunger. The stumbling block for some people is the absence of conventional meals. But most are willing to stick with it for a few days, even if the food selections are unfulfilling.
Caution: The Fat Fast is actually dangerous for anyone who is not metabolically resistant. For people who lose weight fairly easily, the rate of weight loss is too rapid to be safe. But it carries very little risk for people who can barely lose on any other regimen.
Step One: Eat Mostly Fat Begin with five 200-calorie feedings per day and follow for four or five days. Each item equals approximately 200 calories:
one ounce of macadamia nuts or macadamia nut butter two ounces of cream cheese or Brie one ounce of tuna or chicken salad with two teaspoons of mayonnaise served in one-quarter of an avocado two deviled eggs made with two teaspoons of mayonnaise two ounces of sour cream and two tablespoons black or red caviar two and a half ounces whipped heavy cream topped with sucralose zero-calorie syrup two ounces of pâté (check label for fat content) two egg yolks (hard-boiled) with one tablespoon of mayonnaise
Step Two: Modify the Fat Fast If increasing the fat-to-carbohydrate ratio and cutting calories work, any dietary change in that direction might get the job done. Next, you can try four meals a day of roughly 300 calories for a total of 1,200 calories. That should work, too, and what it allows is definitely more appealing to the taste buds:
two ounces of beef chuck (do not drain fat) cooked in two tablespoons of olive oil two scrambled eggs with two strips of nitrate-free bacon two tablespoons of full-fat sour cream with a tablespoon of sugar-free syrup one-quarter cup chicken or tuna salad made with two tablespoons of mayonnaise three ounces of pâté (check label for fat content) one-and-a-half ounces of macadamia nuts
*Thanks to the Atkins Center for the above article.
I personally simplify this whole thing down to doing just the one ounce mac nuts servings in 5 small bags. Which is 5 ounces total for the day;)
My Recent Experience –
When I got back from enjoying my brother’s wedding in Hawaii I could still wear all my clothes that I always wear quite comfortably. That is a good thing but I point this out because though I don’t think someone should have to take their scale on vacation, it is still very important to get back on track once you are back from happily indulging.
Sometimes how your clothes fit isn’t enough of a gauge and leads to the weight creeping back up on us.
This is what happened to me – I got back and on Monday (5-2-11) weighing in at 129.1. That is definitely considered “Danger Zone” for me. I did as I now call the “nut fast” and this morning Wed.(5-4-11) I weighed in at 123.1.
So by tomorrow I should be back to what my body prefers which is 122.
As long as you keep on top of it, once you are at goal and everyday you have your new “set point” your body will strive to get back to that number.
That my friends is a very good thing
**A warning about the fat fast **
I want to point out two things about this “trick”.
You must go back to strict protocol after doing this (if on P2) or eat super clean afterward (P3&4) to give your body the time to adjust to the flux that just happened to it.
Basically giving you body a chance to be o.k. with the sudden release and not try to go back to the weight it was before.
The other warning is – Don’t do this for long, I would say 3 days MAX. I no longer have a gallbladder but those of you that do, the increase of fats in your system could aggravate the gallbladder and cause problems. Quite simply, you certainly don’t want that.
HCG Question of the Day – Fat Release Tricks
Question – TOM arrived (time of the month) and I am experiencing water weight gain
If you have any suggestions that aren’t currently on your vlogs.. let me know cause I’m ready to be a rebel.. LOL
Answer – My goodness all the tricks I’ve tried, maybe I should put together a montage vlog.
For water weight an apple day is a natural diuretic. You just have to be sure to limit your water intake the day you do the apples.
When on P2 I have liked doing mini steak days. All that is 4 oz steak and 1 apple for the day.
I also have done the fat fast which can be a few different foods but for me is only mac nuts. I divide up 5 one ounce bags for the day. Another trick I tried but didn’t get a chance to do it till I was done with P2 was the Mug Cake and Steak Day.
Many hcger’s have experimented with the later when on P2 and strangely enough experienced great fat releases even though it doesn’t seem to make sense. With all of these I have found that you need to be very strict on protocol or clean eating after these tricks or the release will be short lived.
Lunch: 100 grams of sirloin
Dinner: 100 grams of sirloin + Mac Mug Cake (recipe below)
Don’t forget to drink all of your water!
The recipe I preferred –
Mug Cake
1/2 oz Mac nuts ( ground)
1 tbsp coco powder
2 pkt stevia
3 tbsp heavy cream
1 tbsp coconut oil melted
And 1 egg
Mix it together and cook for about 60 sec.
Another Variation –
1/2 oz. of macadamia nuts (or 6 whole nuts), ground into a flour consistency
1/2 Tbl. dark cocoa
1/2 Tbl. cocoa
1-1/2 Tbl. xylitol
2 packets of Splenda for coffee, vanilla flavor (in the coffee aisle,optional)
1 egg
3 Tbl. heavy cream
1 Tbl. coconut oil
1 capful of s/f flavored syrup, Davinci or Torani (optional)
Fat-free Reddy Whip (topping, optional)
In a coffee mug, combine ground mac nuts, cocoas, xylitol, and splenda. Add one egg and mix well with a fork. Add cream and syrup and stir. Last, add coconut oil. If it clumps, break it up with a fork.
Microwave on high for 90 seconds. Some people had to microwave up to 2 more minutes. Let cool for a few minutes.
Top with fat-free Reddy Whip or any whipped cream around 10 calories per serving.
HCG Questions Answered – Fat Releases,Hunger,Exercise,Expectations
HCG and Diet Tricks for other Diet Plans too!
A very sweet HCGer wrote –
Thanks so much for all this wonderful info. You are so amazing to take the time to share your experience, advice and recommendations for us fellow and newbie HCGers… I have a couple of questions for you since this is the first time I am doing this on my own.
Question – I have had good results of 11.6 lbs in 22 days… But here are my concerns maybe you can provide some insight on. I am doing injections 5000iu and started off at 150 but a week and 1/2 into it, I lowered it to 125. Some days I will do anywhere from 125-145… I will only slightly increase it if the day before I was a bit hungrier than I am comfortable with, or if my cravings are outa this world, so I have only done this about 3 times after starting 125. Um other than that? i am not sure what is going on.
My Answer – I think lowering to 125 was a good idea. The days you feel you need to increase I wonder why you don’t move up only by lets say 5 to 130. Spiking to 145 could very well be too much. You are mixing with 10 ml Bac water right?
As far as cravings – Have you tried other tricks instead of increasing your dose to cut the cravings or hunger pangs?
AVC/MCT drink shot
L-Glutamine (poured under the tongue)
Or even just ACV – Apple Cider Vinegar
Question – I was expecting a much bigger loss, although 11.6 is great! I am seeing WAY bigger losses for so many other people so I am getting a bit discouraged… =( and since I am doing about 30ish days,I was thinking about increasing to 46 days, but don’t know if it is worth it at the rate I am going…
My Answer – You haven’t said your start weight or your goal so if you don’t have a lot of abnormal fat the amount you have released in 22 days is awesome.
People talk about a pound or more a day. As we know women release less than men can. I know when I was expecting a pound a day, men on HCG would comment back that half a pound for women was more realistic. Darn those guys – Lol.
Question – I have also noticed my body losing inches, but not really around my tummy area, or upper arms which are the HUGEST problem areas for me. I only am noticing a great difference in my thighs, hips and buttocks, (mainly the last). Do you think this is normal? I am starting to think maybe my HCG is not potent or I may be doing something wrong…
My Answer – My arms were the last to show a significant loss in inches. Since Dr.S called his protocol “Pound & Inches” I bet you look as though you have lost 22 pounds as far as how much you have shrunk. Where you are losing first, have patience it will all proportion in the long run since this is all based on releasing the abnormal fat.
Question – I have cut out melba/grissini out and sometimes only eat one fruit. I am following Dr. S original protocol, so I do not know why these results seem to be “not normal” or fairly low… Do you think I may just have too high expectations?
My Answer – Early in my rounds I didn’t care about the grissini either and I would skip fruit a lot of times. BUT it wasn’t to try to increase my releases. I wasn’t hungry so I didn’t care about it.
If you are experiencing hunger you should at least add the fruit back in. Definitely keep your protein consumption, which is important.
Question – Also, what do you feel about exercising, like ab work and arm/leg toning? As for the exercise, I was going to the gym for about 3-4 weeks prior to beginning HCG… but cut it out when I started
My Answer – Since your body was use to the exercise then it stopped your body probably thought “what the heck happened?”. If it was me at this point I wouldn’t go full blown back into the routine you had been doing before (I don’t know what that was, cardio, weights etc). But start back to walking to get your heart going
What you didn’t ask about but I want to add is –
Are you drinking the proper amount of water?
Here comes TMI – are your bowel movements consistent?
Have you done a Detox Bath?
When you eat your protein are you not consuming too much beef?
I mainly go for fish and chicken.
Steak was eaten if I decided to do a mini steak day. I use to like doing that one day a week during my rounds.
And are you sure that you are eating the correct veggies for P2 and also not mixing types of veggies.
The last question is for those that are using the original protocol.
I know there are variations floating out there. I need to still look into those further before I can have a “say” about them.
Journal what you are eating everyday and see if you can see a common thread. For example there are some HCGer’s that even though oranges are on P2 find that every time they decide to eat an orange they didn’t have a release or they might even have a slight gain. The argument I’ve heard is “an orange has the same calories as an apple”
But you know what? The 2 fruits do different things in and for your body.
Example – apples are a natural diuretic which is why Dr. Simeon came up with “apple day”. It wasn’t for the patient to release fat. It was so mentally the patient would “feel better” because they would see the scale numbers go down. It was simply water weight that made the difference. This is also why though we are suppose to drink plenty of water while on P2 – if we do an apple day he said to keep water consumption to a minimum.
Now remember everyone – I am not a Doctor, I am a fellow HCGer that likes helping others with their journey!
HCG Question – New to HCG and Have Questions Before I Start
HCG Question – New to HCG and have Questions Before I Start
I’m getting ready to begin my HCG journey the first of May. I’m so excited, yet at the same time I’m scared! Between your channel (loseit4ever), Mamaclok on You Tube, I’m getting a lot of information, and becoming more assured that I’m doing the right thing for my health.
I do have a few questions. I haven’t had a chance to go through very many of your vlogs, but can you tell me:
Question – Can I continue to take my blood pressure and water pill meds while on HCG?
Answer – When I started I was on thyroid medicine and was told I should stay on it. Always best to ask your doctor and Google if there are any interactions with combining.
Question – I also take melatonin to help with sleep.
MY Answer – I think Melatonin is good and fine while on HCG.
Question – And would you recommend a supplement for energy?
MY Answer – Many HCGers take B12. I take a lot of different supplements that also give me energy. But what I want to be sure is understood is that when on proper HCG the abnormal fat stores are being burned. Too many people only look at the 500 cal consumption and worry they will be weak and you won’t be. I wasn’t weak, lightheaded, none of that during my rounds.
Question – What do you recommend is best to eat during load days? I see Mamaclok ate donuts, but are there recommended “gorge” foods?
My Answer – Since that vlog I think Karen would agree better “gorge” choices are good fats. One successful HCGer loves to eat a big bowl of guacamole. I make sure I eat foods that I think I will “miss” once I’m on protocol. Mexican food and even though it has sugar, ice cream which is also high fat so the fat will slow the absorption rate of the sugar into my system.Other HCGers like to eat fatty meats as well.
Question – Is loose skin expected with hcg weight loss?
My Answer – The great thing about HCG is we release the fat quickly. The thing is then your skin needs to play “catch up”. If I had it to do over again I would have taken the MSM in mega doses as soon as I started HCG.
Question – I see where you were talking about the ACV/MSM cocktail shot – at what phase is this advisable?
My Answer – I came up with the ACV/MSM shot for P2ers.Even though I have done the ACV/ MCT during P2. Since MCT is a oil I prefer a new P2er doesn’t do that one until there a reason for going that direction.
Question –I currently take Perfect Food green powder mixed in water, because I don’t eat enough veggies. I’ve never checked the caloric content, though I guess it should be low, and fat free. Would you recommend continuing with it?
My Answer – You would have to let me know the ingredients. How many carbs or possible sugar does it have?
Question – Where did you purchase your hcg? (I plan on doing mine sublingually)
My Answer – I did injections but sublingual also uses RX HCG so you can still purchase from where I did if you want. I have ordered from 3 different places.
Reliable Pharmacy (reasonable prices and reliable;)
Pharmacy Escrow (1st place I ever ordered from)
All Day Chemist (tried them because other hcgers mentioned them a lot)
My Favorite to order from
….um, did I say a few questions! Anyway, thank you so much for sharing your experience, encouragement, and advice. I look forward to – as my time allows- viewing more of your uploads.
MY Answer – LOL – no worries , I LOVE to HELP!
HCG Questions Answered – ” Why am I hungry?”
HCG Sublingual Question
Question – On youtube an new HCGer asked –
Hi, Can you tell me what to do: I am doing sublingual and I am on vlcd day 3 and i am still very hungry. I am taking .5ml of the mixture 2xs per day. Can you tell me what to do? thanks!
I have only done injections but this is what I know-I still had hunger till I was further into my 1st week. Another thing is there is what I call “the sweet spot.”That is when you know you are at the right dose because the hunger is gone. More doesn’t always mean better either. If your dose is too high or too low that can cause hunger. I know, what the heck right? Mamaclok did a whole FAQ vlog on youtube, she is the best at Sub. I feature her video here on my website because I know she knows her stuff.
Here is the link to Karen’s (youtube channel name mamaclok) video – Sublingual FAQ
2 Quick Recipe Tips – HCG P3
Want to read a eye-opening fitness article? Then check this one out… it was sent to me by Jon Benson. I have his permission to pass it along to you. Enjoy!
One of the most surprising benefits I’ve discovered for being engaged to a gal from the Middle East, other than the vast cultural exchange, is the cooking.
Oh, yes ladies… my gal COOKS!
Which is good since I am a lousy cook. : )
Hanna enjoys it… and she brings a Middle Eastern flair to some really boring fitness/bodybuilding foods that I want to share with you today.
Here’s just two quick tips from Hanna on making the ultimate in “boring” foods — egg whites and tuna (yuck) — taste incredible.
TIP 1:
Lively Egg White Omelette
Let’s face facts: Egg whites suck. At least that’s what I USED to think until Hanna decided to experiment with my morning omelette.
Now I eat this stuff like it was candy.
Here’s what she does:
1. She cooks the veggies separate from the egg whites. You’d think this would be common sense, but I never did it and I’ve seen a lot of people just toss it all in together.
2. Add 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil with 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil to the veggies. This alone improved the taste tremendously.
3. Add 1/2 egg yolk to the veggies after cooking for 1 minute. This, again, is primarily for taste.
4. Garlic! If you love garlic, here’s your chance. Garlic ROCKS in egg white omelets.
5. Use Pam or another non-stick spray for the egg whites and cook them like you would a normal omelette. Then pour the almost-cooked veggies in the middle. Do the omelette dance.
6. Here’s the SECRET SAUCE… literally. This will sound nuts until you try it:
Shrimp Cocktail Sauce
Okay… Hanna’s bright, but this was an accident. She thought it was salsa. But I’ve NEVER gone back to salsa after stumbling on this incredible treat! I have no idea why it tastes so good, but it makes the omelette.
Try these tips and see if your egg white omelette doesn’t become your favorite meal of the day.
TIP 2:
Canned Tuna Extraordinaire
Again, I have the lovely Hanna to thank for this.
Like egg whites, I used to HATE canned tuna. Now, again, I can eat this every night without complaint.
Here’s what she does:
She cooks the veggies the same way as in the omelette above and then pours the tuna from the can into a skillet. That’s IT.
I’ve never had “tuna ala skillet” before… and I have no clue why this tastes so smooth and delicious, but it does.
If you hate canned tuna for being dry or tasteless, try this. You’ll never go back.
The “Cost” of Eating Healthy
Maintaining After HCG Protocol
This article is from fitness author Jon Benson. Though he has a different dieting method I thought this article had some good points on how we should look at our food choices as an investment in our health. Though he pitch’s his diet the “caveman” theory intrigues me. After protocol I think keeping my body guessing about what it will get fed is one of the reasons I have maintained. Not to mention that I crave food that is good for me now too.
I just wonder about this guy’s theory ( which I was kind of doing not realizing it) since I am able to enjoy Mexican food, ice cream and other yummy foods (that’s right I’m human)I just don’t eat that stuff ALL the time.
Anyway, here is the article
One of the biggest myths out there is the myth that eating healthy costs too much.
Just the opposite… and I’ll prove it to you in three ways.
#1: Cash
Here’s some sample figures courtesy of my friend Scott Tousignant’s fitness blog…
2 medium size sweet potatoes $1 or… small fries from a fast food joint
2 red peppers $1 or… a can of pop
Bowl of oatmeal with fruit & protein powder $2 or… large bag of chips
6 Chicken Breasts $10 or… a sub combo from a fast food joint
18 eggs $3.50 or… a burger from a fast food joint
2 salmon fillets $15 or… large pizza
Loaded chicken salad (homemade) $3 or… bag of cookies
Large bag of oatmeal $3.50 or… 4 chocolate bars
Not much of a comparison, it is?
Yet the foods on the left would feed a family of two or more for 4-7 days… the foods on the right? 2-3 days if you live through it.
Tips to make the most expensive part of eating healthy — the cost of quality meats — go further include…
1. Use tofu fillers in chicken and beef recipes. Even if you hate tofu, you can barely taste the difference when combined properly.
2. Buy your meats in bulk online. You can find less expensive grass-fed beef and naturally-raised chicken and have it delivered to you if you live near a large city. If not, check the local farmers.
3. Eat meat only 3-4 times per week and use black beans with rice or inexpensive tuna for your other days. I eat tuna cooked in a skillet with lots of veggies and some olive oil almost every night and I LOVE the taste!
The Every Other Day Diet has over 40 pages of recipes in it to help you eat healthy and cheap… and you can still eat out and consume your favorite foods several times per week.
#2: Your Health
Do we ‘really’ need to talk about buy new (usually larger) clothes every year or two? Or about the health care costs associated with being even 20 pounds over your ideal weight, let alone more? How about the time you miss from work with excessive colds?
Eating healthy and taking care of your body adds years to your life… and for the record, the years eating poorly takes away from your life, on average, costs each American over 80,000 in medical expenses.
Want to add that to your food budget?
#3: The Big Picture
Anyone who has been fit knows the joy it brings… the freedom you feel from wearing whatever you want… the productivity you see from increased energy… the pace at which you move during the day.
Not only are these gifts priceless, but they are also massive cash-savers. Your productivity alone can add thousands to your bottom line each year, well off-setting any costs associated with eating quality food.
The Bottom Line…
Like any good accountant would suggest, you need to look at your ROI (return on investment) if nothing else.
What does investing in a better body, greater health, and vibrant energy do for your life? How can that actually translate into more income AND less expense?
You will be surprised.
Don’t Quit. Get Fit!
P.S. If you want some tips on getting started with shedding that excess weight… go here for a short video… and prepare to take some notes! …
it’s freee….
Weight Loss Tips <— click.here
[ Want even more fat-loss and body transformation info? Then hop over Jon’s page by clicking on the links in the article above (or in the banner below) to get started today on reshaping YOUR body! ]
THIS Makes You Gain Weight
What helps you maintain your weight after hcg diet
Note: This article was written by fitness and nutrition author Jon Benson. I have his permission to share it with you.
This sounds like a silly question, but it’s really the most important question you can ask:
“What REALLY makes me increase my bodyfat?”
Is it too many calories? Sure. That’s one part. But I know people who can eat 4-5K calories a day and not add an ounce.
Is it dietary fat? Rarely if ever.
Fat is necessary to melt bodyfat. It is true that fat has more calories per gram than protein or carbs, but let’s look at this logically:
40% protein; 40% carbs; 20% fat = 40% fat; 40% protein; 20% carbs
So… no. Increasing your dietary fat does not mean you’ll get fatter…
UNLESS… ready?
Your insulin levels are too high.
Elevated insulin is not only the prime cause of diabetes and a sign of being hypoglycemic, but it’s also the prime numero uno reason people get fat.
And insulin is stimulated most by too many carbohydrates… even the so-called “healthy carbs!”
HOWEVER… ready again?
You can still eat carbs… you do not need a “low-carb” dietplan every day in order to keep your insulin and bodyfat low.
You just have to know what TIME to eat the carbs.
There’s a time and place for everything and carbs are no exception.
I have a presentation here that tells you more about how important timing is and how you can eat your carbs (even sweets) and shed bodyfat…
… here:
The EODD System <–carb-friendly dietplan
That being said:
If I had to cut one thing out of my diet for 1-4 days it would definitely be carbs.
I need fat… fat helps melt bodyfat… and I have trained my body to use its own fat-stores for fuel.
( See how on the linked-page above )
I DEFINITELY need protein… and so do you.
Protein speeds up thermogenesis, or your body’s own fat-burning heat factory.
Protein also blunts your appetite so you naturally eat less.
Some carbs are healthy… and I do not recommend you cut out low-sugar fruits and green veggies… you need that stuff.
But you don’t need grains, breads, etc.
At least for a few days.
THEN… you need them… but only after you do two things.
Find out more here:
The EODD System <–carb-friendly dietplan
Remember: Don’t Quit. Get Fit!
P.S. My favorite “Feed Meal” (that’s what I call meals where I eat a lot of calories and carbs) is this:
Small serving of protein (1/2 my normal serving size) like chicken, tuna, etc.
Brown rice or baked potato
Slice of pecan pie (or Key Lime pie… yum.)
Then later that day I’ll have a few slices of New York-style pizza.
The next day I’m LEANER. It never fails.
The only time this can fail is if you do not set your body UP to receive these carbs and some junk food.
I call this my “Real World Favorite Foods Dietplan.” That’s not the name of my System but it could be! That’s exactly what it is.
I love it… so will you…
The EODD System <–carb-friendly dietplan
[ Thank you for reading. If you are interested in more information please post a reply or subscribe to our blog feed and newsletter. ]
HCG Recipe – Yummy Fish Dish, and yes P2 Friendly
OK, So usually I’m not a fan of fish except for shrimp, lobster etc. But guess what?? When on P2 HCG Protocol and Beyond what you like and what you crave changes from what you use to want…At least for me
Here is another great recipe that Shanon is so graciously sharing!
Breaded Fried Tilapia Fish & Spinach
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