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How to Get REAL HCG

The Online Site I Preferred to Buy My HCG from

It was brought to my attention that the online site I had purchased my 1st batch of HCG from is no longer functioning,the site was Pharmacy Escrow. After that purchase I found out that Pharmacy escrow and All Day Chemist were one in the same. I don’t know this for fact but wonder if the company simply decided to have the whole thing be under the All Day Chemist name. The second purchase I made was with I liked their prices and YES they were reliable!

After that I did buy from All Day Chemist so I could advise based on experience if someone asked my opinion.That site was fine, I wasn’t thrilled by the payment method they use but I got what I ordered with out any issue.

Below is an except of an older post of which HCG  I bought and the supplies I needed as well.

A prescription wasn’t needed. I prefer to get Hucog brand or the generic version of it. I have also used Corion and it was fine too. To save on the shipping and handling I always purchased 3 at a time. And since I preferred to do 40 day rounds I would buy 5000 iu. I have the mixing breakdown on this blog for both 5000 iu and 2000 iu. But I am most familiar with the 5000 iu. The bacteriostatic water can be bought online from medical supply and even bodybuilder websites. My very first round I bought a supply “kit” that had everything to get started except for the hcg. After that because I had examples at my fingertips of what I needed I would get everything on my own.

Link to How to Mix HCG

Link to How to HCG Mix Directions

5 Responses to How to Get REAL HCG

  • Laura says:

    Hello, can you tell me where you found your mixing needles? By the way your site is great and full of helpful information. Thanks.

    • colleen says:

      Hi Laura,

      The very first time I bought a kit that had all the supplies I needed to get started (except for the HCG) Once I had that to reference I bought my needles on Amazon.
      There are also vet supply and medical supply online stores as well.

      Colleen =)

  • Laura says:

    Thank you 🙂

  • Sunshine says:


    I ordered the Hucog for Reliable. Can I use the 5000iu as a drop, or do I have to use as an injection?

    • colleen says:

      Either injection or sub-lingual.
      If you decide on sub-lingual watch mamaclok on youtube. She is a wonderful resource for sub lingual dosing.

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