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HCG Brownies – Say What???

This was pretty much regular mug cake x 5…Make a BATCH!

HCG Brownie Recipe:
Brownie Ingredients:
5 oz of crushed Mac Nuts
5 whole eggs
5 tbsp unsweetened coco powder
5 tbsp coconut oil
5 tbsp whole milk or heavy cream
1 capful of vanilla extract
10 packets of Stevia (or any other sweetener)
Bake in the oven at 450 degrees for 20 min.

Then YUM!

Thank you Victoria for sharing so we can be slim yet ENJOY wonderful treats like this!

3 Responses to HCG Brownies – Say What???

  • Jackie says:

    Is this recipe for P3 P4 or can one have it on P2?

    • colleen says:

      Hi Jackie,
      Same reason why some P2 people can lose eating mug cake,some can do this recipe too. Whenever trying anything that is not standard protocol you should proceed with caution. Always write down when you try something and what the result was the next day.
      To be completely safe save it for P3 etc.

      Colleen 🙂

      • Jackie says:

        Thank you for responding so quickly.I have been watching all your videos and can hardly wait to go to the health food store. I too believe in taking suppliments.Thanks for all the info.

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